It was a beautiful day on the river. Rain was forecasted for the day and we managed to dodge the drops. This day we chose to sleep in a little and hit the river mid morning. miss
The trusty 94 blazer got us to the hole and there were only 2 other vehicles pulled off, not bad at all for this stretch of the river. Of course we didn't tie up the night before and there were definitely 3 other vehicles that pulled up as we we franticlytied our knots and dropped weights between the gravel. These kind gentlemen smiled as they all piled out of their trucks with rods in hand and raced each other up to the river. I glanced over at my buddy and said 'whatever, we'll be fine' we proceeded to crack the a.m. cold ones and finish tying up.
We ended up on the water around 10a.m. and to my surprise there was no one in the hole close to the trucks. I pointed to my my buddy of where to fish behind the spawning salmon and mentioned a few snags to watch be wary of. With in 15 minutes we were released one strong native and had a little colored up hatchery for the smoker on the bank. The day continued with a few hook ups on steelhead but nothing solid. There were also a number of very beautiful cutthroat trout that loved the egg patterns that we were throwing out.
All in all it was a great 1/2 day fishing trip. Usually I am the guy racing around and trying to hop holes above people. But this day I learned a valuable lesson, and that is not to be the greedy one. Take your time and it will come. My friend and I enjoyed a beautiful day on the river having non stop action for about 5 hours. The best part of the day was that is was all a stones throw away from the truck. As Babe Winkelman would say 'good fishing' and my advice is take your time, you never know what is right under your toes. Enjoy your self and all the beautiful places your fishing adventures may take you.
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